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Episode 7 | Two Secret Strategies To Maximize Your Day and Increase Productivity | The Academic Revolution Podcast with Inga Hofmann

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2022
Inga Hofmann
Episode 7 | Two Secret Strategies To Maximize Your Day and Increase Productivity | The Academic Revolution Podcast with Inga Hofmann

Have you ever noticed that once you arrive at work your day kind of goes out the window? You seem to have limited control over your schedule.


Does your to-do list gets hijacked by constant interruptions and distractions? 

Chances are if you are like most academic physicians something just always seems to come up.


In this episode, you’ll learn how to bookend your day to increase your productivity. 


I’m going to share 2 secrets, yet simple, strategies that will help you get organized and take back your day! 


This lesson is from Pillar #1 (Performance Habits) of my unique Physician Success DNA Method.


Take a listen. 


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Also, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more academic physicians -- just like you -- to create the successful academic career they desire. Click HERE, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!


Resources mentioned in this episode:

The Academic Physician Success Path, a 3-Part Mini-Series for Academic Physicians


Additional resources to accelerate your academic success:


Academic Physician and Scientist Leadership Mentoring FB Community


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