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Episode 9 | How Context Switching is Hurting Your Productivity and How to Fix It | The Academic Revolution Podcast with Inga Hofmann

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2022
Inga Hofmann
Episode 9 | How Context Switching is Hurting Your Productivity and How to Fix It | The Academic Revolution Podcast with Inga Hofmann

Have you ever felt like you are constantly switching between different tasks and nothing ever moves forward? You never seem to get to the finish line of a project or even a simple task?


A lot of physicians and scientists in academic medicine struggle with this. No wonder there are so many competing demands on our time. So many colleagues tell me they constantly put out fires and get interrupted and never seem to finish a task.


If this sounds familiar you’re going to love this episode!


There are a number of different things you can do to get out of the constant juggling act and finally get tasks and projects completed.


In this episode, I’m going to share just ONE first step with you that you can implement right away to get focused and the right things are done.


In this lesson, we are talking about context switching, which is from Pillar #1 (Performance Habits) of my unique Physician Success DNA Method. 


You’ll discover what content switching is and how it is tanking your productivity and contributing to you feeling constantly overwhelmed and what to do instead.


Take a listen. 


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Also, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more academic physicians -- just like you -- to create the successful academic careers that they desire. Click HERE, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Notes and worksheet on all 5 steps you need to know to combat Context Switching and increase your productivity.

Click HERE šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰ FREE GIFT to get instant access


The Academic Physician Success Path, a 3-Part Mini-Series for Academic Physicians


Additional resources to accelerate your academic success:


Academic Physician and Scientist Leadership Mentoring FB Community


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https://www.ingahofmann.com/ – My Website where you can learn more about me, get free resources and find out how you can work with me directly to accelerate your academic career and enjoy life.


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